How Nonprofits Can Benefit from Google Ad Grants

March 15, 2016

With AdWords, an online advertising solution from Google, nonprofits can receive Google ad grants upwards of $10,000 for monthly advertising to share their story with audiences all around the world and thus recruit more volunteers and bring in more donations.

Nonprofit organizations are working on changing the world – Google wants to help them do that.

Google_2015_logo.svgGoogle Ad Grants allows nonprofits organizations to reach out to the people who matter the most. This is done by showing search ads to those searching Google for nonprofits in similar fields. Google Ad Grants also allows the nonprofit to choose how near or how far to focus the ads. Google Ad Grants also makes it significantly easier for supporters to donate. A simplified experience makes it more likely for people to be willing to donate.

Once ads go live, nonprofits can use Google Analytics as well as conversion tracking in order to understanding how their ads are performing. These tools allow the organization to see what keywords are working or aren’t, which ads are driving the most donations or bringing in the most volunteers, etc. The answers to these questions will lead to much stronger and goal oriented ads.

The way it works is pretty simple. First, check to see if your nonprofit is eligible for Grantspro. With this program, if the nonprofit meets certain criteria, they can receive up to $40,000 in in-kind AdWords advertising every month. Just check out the Google Ad Grants success stories!

Then there are two options to choose from, AdWords Express is the program best suited for those who have limited time to manage a Google Ad Grants account, or AdWords which has the powerful tools needed to manage all aspects of a Google Ad Grants campaign.

Quick Facts about Google Grants for Nonprofits

  • Ads will be entirely text-based
  • Ads will only appear on Google search results pages
  • Ad campaigns must be keyword-targeted.
  • Maximum cost-per-click (CPC) will be $2.00
  • Grantees can receive $10,000 (or up to $40,000 for Grantspro participants) of in-kind AdWords advertising each month.

Contact Van West Media today to strategically develop and manage your nonprofit organization’s Google AdWords campaigns. 

To discover if your nonprofit is a fit for the Google Ad Grants for Nonprofits program, check out these great resources:
